
Glòria Molina

Investigador Post-doctoral

Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear
Escola Superior d'Agricultura de Barcelona (ESAB)
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Avda. del Canal Olímpic 15, 08860 Castelldefels - SPAIN

Telèfon: ++34 935 521 144
FAX: ++34 935 521 001
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Interessos de Recerca

 Estudi de materials antics, materials metaestables i nanoestructurats.


Technology of production of Syrian lustre (11th to 13th century)
T Pradell, R Fernandes, G Molina, AD Smith, J Molera, A Climent-Font
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 38(7) (2018) 2716-2727

Glazes, colourants and decorations in early Islamic glazed ceramics from the Vega of Granada (9th to 12th centuries CE)
J Molera, JCC López, G Molina, T Pradell
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 21 (2018) 1141-1151

Composition of the Lustre Pigment Used in the Production Of 13th Century AD Raqqa Lustreware from Syria
T. Pradell, G. Molina, J. Molera, M. S. Tite
Archaeometry (2016)
DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12211

Lustre and glazed ceramic collection from Mas Llorens, 16-17 th centuries (Salt, Girona). Provenance and technology
Judit Molera, Javier Iñañez, Glòria Molina, Josep Burch, Xavier Alberch, Michael D Glascock, Trinitat Pradell
DOI: 10.2451/2015PM0004

Materials, Techniques, and Conservation of Historic Stained Glass “Grisailles”
Trinitat Pradell, Gloria Molina, Sonia Murcia, Rafael Ibañez, Chaoren Liu, Judit Molera and Andrew J. Shortland
International Journal of Applied glass science 6 (2015)
DOI: 10.1111/ijag.12125

Revisiting the beginnings of tin-opacified Islamic glazes
Michael Tite, Oliver Watson, Trinitat Pradell, Moujan Matin, Gloria Molina, Kelly Domoney, Anne Bouquillon
DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2015.02.005

Technology of production of polychrome lustre
Gloria Molina, Michael S. Tite, Judit Molera, Aurelio Climent-Font and Trinitat Pradell.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 34 (2014) 2563-2574
DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2014.03.010

Production technology and replication of lead antimonate yellow glass from New Kingdom Egypt and the Roman Empire
G. Molina, G.P. Odin, T. Pradell, A.J. Shortland, M.S. Tite
Journal of Archaeological Science 41 (2014) 171-184
DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2013.07.030

Estudi de degradació dels vidriats de les ceràmiques de reflex metàl•lic del jaciment del Castell de Montsoriu
T. Pradell, G. Molina
RESCAT 21 (2013) 27

First analysis of Syrian lustre pottery (12th-14th centuries AD)
T.Pradell, J. Molera, G. Molina and M.S.Tite
Applied Clay Science 82 (2013) 106-112
DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2013.05.019

Un complejo alfarero de época islámica en la avenida de las Ollerías Córdoba
Antonio Molina, Elena Salinas
Arqueología de la Producción en Época Medieval. Granada. Edited by Alhulia S.L. (2013) 177-208
ISBN 978-84-15897-14-9

Color and dichroism of silver-stained glasses
Gloria Molina, Sonia Murcia, Judit Molera, Clodoaldo Roldan, Daniel Crespo, Trinitat Pradell
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15 (2013) 1932
DOI: 10.1007/s11051-013-1932-7

The use of micro-XRD for the study of glaze color decorations
Trinitat Pradell, Gloria Molina, Judit Molera, Joaquim Pla, Ana Labrador
Applied Physics A 111 (2013) 121-127
DOI: 10.1007/s00339-012-7445-x

Primeros resultados del estudio analítico de la cerámica vidriada decorada Nazarí: la cerámica palatina (ss. XIV-XV)
T. Pradell, G.Molina, J. Molera & P. Marinetto
Proceedings of 1st International Conference of the European Network of Museums of Islamic Art (2012) 397-418

Análisis arqueométrico de la cerámica dorada andalusí de la Alcazaba de Onda (Castellón)
J. Molera, M.Pérez-Asensio, T.Pradell, G. Molina & V.Estall-Poles
Proceedings of 1st International Conference of the European Network of Museums of Islamic Art (2012) 371-395

Hornos de barras islámicos en Córdoba (España)
Antonio Molina, Elena Salinas
Atti del XLII Convegno Internazionale della Ceramica “Fornaci, Tecnologie e produzione della ceramica in età medievale e moderna" (2010) 45-55
ISBN 978-88-7814-423-1

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